I see lots of people pontificating about some new wondrous diet or other and how they have lost endless weight by following them. There are some seriously strange ones that are popular at the moment too.

You may have eaten too many pies
I also see endless people hopping from faddy diet to plain weird diet and failing to lose any weight at all. Or more often, losing a bit, then putting it all back on again and again.
Here is the secret.….
If you are over-weight and you want to weigh less, eat less food and burn more calories.
It is actually that simple.
Your body needs food in order to function, but if you over-feed it, then it turns the excess food into fat and stores it for use later.
If you consistently over-feed your body, you will continue to add to the fat stores.
When you move around, when you heart beats, when you are awake, when you are asleep, your body uses energy. If there is not enough food available to burn, then those reserves of fat are raided.
Again though, if there is more food available than you need, then the excess is added to the fat stores.
Depending on how old you are, what sex you are, how much you weigh and how active you are on a daily basis, your body will burn a reasonably calculable amount of calories.
For example, At my age, given my relatively sedentary lifestyle and my current weight, I need around 2500kcals per day on average to maintain my weight.
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