Another Day, another attack.
My heart is breaking for Barcelona.
I love the city, I love the people of the city, it is a place of many happy memories.
Once more though an attack has been launched on the innocent. Just reading this morning about the many people that have died and the many people that have been hurt in this attack was terrible, I shed tears.
As far as I can see, none of these people had any military or government, or heck, even church leadership or influence.
This is literally slaughter of people that do not have any influence or probably an opinion in the ongoing conflict with Isis/Isil/IS/Daesh.
It feels that we are attempting to deal with a bunch of cowards.
But then, as I pointed out in when Paris was attacked, it is very, very hard to wage war on an organisation rather than a country.
As far as I know, Spain does not even have a hand in the war against Daesh, beyond actually being a western country.
Once again though, my heart is breaking for Barcelona.