Faith in Other People

I get in trouble a lot because I have very little faith in others.

I tend to ‘assume the worst’ because my experience is that in general, people are not really that nice.

Case in point……

On Tuesday (yesterday as I write this) PJ called me, in tears, her car was ‘broken’. Eventually she managed to explain that she had parked in the local CostCo parking lot and when she got back to her car found that someone had crashed into her car. They had not stayed, nor left details, nor even a ‘sorry’ note.

They mashed the rear fender and rear lights on the passenger side. Luckily I was off today so I knew that I would be able to assist with the insurance / rental car / repair shop stuff. In order to do so I went to the mall early to get my final couple of pieces of Christmas shopping before the rush started.

When I got back to the MINI there was broken mirror glass and bits of plastic on the tarmac…….

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