Since when did ‘common courtesy’ become uncommon ?
On Sunday afternoon we were out and about trying to find inexpensive watch batteries as we had rather a lot of battery powered watches that were dead.
Clutching at straws a little we tried the $.99c store. On a Sunday afternoon the parking lot is a zoo at best, but I was able to find a space to throw the ‘Vlad’ the Impala into and after wandering around the store we came away a few dollars lighter, but without the necessary batteries, although we did get a pack of batteries for the garage door opener..
Trying to get out of the parking spot was a test of my patience. Despite people zooming around trying to find a space, nobody would let me out. It was not only really frustrating for me, it was incredible that all of those idiots fighting over spaces would not let someone out and snag a ‘prime’ space right outside the store.
While trying to get out several rocket scientists stopped by the door to allow passengers out and then stayed there too, adding to the congestion and the danger considerably.
When I eventually managed to force my way out one of those rocket scientists grabbed the space, but only after a 7419 point turn to get into it. Much to the rest of the lots’ displeasure.
While yes, it would have slowed one or two people down in the hunt for a space, it would have been really nice if they had let me out.
When I finally got out of the space there was a guy waiting to turn left (across the front of me) and I slowed and waved at him to let him do so (partly to annoy the marauding hordes behind me) He looked amazing, It was like he simply could not believe that someone was being courteous towards him.
So, perhaps we should rename it ?
It appears to have become uncommon.