Month: March 2016

The next American civil war ?

I used to think that the next American civil war would be caused by an uprising of the great unwashed. The red-necks, the cowboys, the NRA nut jobs and their ilk.

I believed that one day they would all jump in their good old boy F150 pick-ups, loaded up with more ammunition than the average third world militia owned and head to Washington to teach the ‘guvmint’ a lesson.

I imagined that it would be a fairly short, but incredibly bloody confrontation, resulting in perhaps thousands of casualties, perhaps a lot more if the red-necks managed to make a few bombs.

I suspect that the red-necks would become domestic terrorists, protesting government over-reach, protesting laws that protect those that they hate – basically everyone that is not a  white heterosexual male and that the civil war would probably all be over fairly fast.

That was before Trump.

I see now that this can go two ways. 

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Arguing over imaginary friends is futile

When I was a young child, I had a pair of imaginary Afghan Hounds. Apparently I would pick them up to cross the road and spend time talking to them. As far as I was concerned, they were real.

I cannot remember any of this, but my father will jump at any opportunity to remind me, usually in front of friends about my ‘afdams’. He reminds me of this because he thinks that it is hilarious that a young child would have imaginary friends for some reason. I think that he also likes to remind me that I was a very, very late talker and got many of my words muddled, but that is a whole other subject.

Except, and this is something I do not understand, many people around the world spend significant amount of time, energy and money on their imaginary friend and very few people think that this is not normal. 

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