Month: May 2016

5000 miles later…

Since I got my Triumph Tiger, I have managed to put just a shade over five thousand miles on the ODO.

Naturally it’s time to really review it.

I’m going to let my 16 year old self interview me.

16yos: nice bike, what is it ?

It is a 2013 Triumph Tiger 1050 Sport.

16yos: How fast is it ?

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Crash – the last update ?

As regular readers will know, on August 1st 2014, an errant driver in a Toyota Aygo hit me while I was riding my bicycle.

The crash was pretty brutal, I broke my collarbone.

The break was a bad one, three surgeries later I am still not fixed.

Today I was seen by the medical assessor who will create the report for the insurance company that will be looking to settle my compensation claim.

This is the final opinion, it has been close to two years, it is time to put this to bed once and for all. 

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