‘Are we there yet ?’
‘Are we there yet?’
‘Boo, we are still on the motorway, we are still at least half an hour away’.
Boo’s daddy was not in a very good mood, he had promised to take Boo to Lego-land for months and finally they were on their way. But every five minutes Boo enquired if they were there, each time his new girlfriend, who was sitting in the passenger seat would tut and each time he would grip the steering wheel a little harder, making the car wobble a little.
After what seemed an age, the question ‘are we there yet?’ was met with a sigh and a ‘yes’ as they pulled into the car park.
Boo’s daddy parked the car, then ran around to the passenger side and opened the door for his new girlfriend, who, rather than open the door like a normal person had sat there, looking at her nails waiting for her door to magically open.
Boo meanwhile had to wait for her door to be opened as the child locks were on. When, to her surprise, the adults walked away hand in hand, Boo hammered on the window to get their attention. When they then continued to walk away arm in arm she wondered if she could clamber through to the front seats and let her self out. Just as she was thinking this, a door opened.
Well, it did not so much open, it more flew off the car and into the far distance, wrapping its self around a tree.
Boo, smiled at the rather toothy grin of her dragon. Quickly she rummaged in her pink backpack for some dragon snacks and handed over a creme egg, two strawberry granola bars (these are his favorite) and a large bar of Galaxy chocolate.
‘I saw that your daddy left you and wandered off with that sheep’, he explained, so I thought we could spend a little time having fun together.’.
‘That is not a sheep, that is daddies latest girlfriend’.
‘Oh, she looks like a sheep to me, the blonde hair, the fat face, all that make-up, the enormous chest, those over-tight black leggings and the big white jumper make her look just like a sheep, are you sure she is not a sheep?’
Boo thought about it for a moment, ‘Well, she is not very nice, but you should not eat her, daddy seems to like her.’
They spotted them about a hundred meters away and the dragon picked her up and lightly dropped her right behind them before soaring back into the air.
‘Hi Daddy, are we there yet’
Boo’s daddy swung around in surprise, he girlfriend merely tutted. ‘Yes Boo, we just need to get tickets’. He looked puzzled, almost as though he could not remember helping her get out of the car. He shook his head as though to clear it.
‘Two adults and one child please’
They got their tickets and entered the park, Boo ran from exhibit to exhibit, marveling at the amazing constructions. The artistry behind the models, the realism, pointing out features and the models of famous landmarks. Finally she spots the Knights Kingdom. ‘Daddy, can we ride the dragon roller coaster, purrrrrleeeeeeease…..’ .
‘I’m not sure that young ladies should be riding scary dragon rides’ how about we go to the cafe, my girlfriend is getting hungry ?’
Boo pouted, she had been on many actual dragon rides, a simple mechanical roller coaster was not going to be scary at all. ‘Besidess, she thought to her self, ‘Daddies new girlfriend does not look like she needs to eat any more’.
Despite her protests, Boo followed her daddy away from the ride and into the cafe. She was not hungry, but she insisted on getting a cake and a bar of chocolate, which she placed in her backpack, just in case. The strawberry milkshake was OK, but she would have preferred chocolate only ‘I’m sure you get enough chocolate at mummies house given her terrible cooking’.
Boo gazed out of the window.She had finally got to go to Lego-Land and all her daddy wanted to do was to sit in the cafe kissing his latest girlfriend. ‘Its not fair’, she thought, ‘I just want to see the cool models, go on the rides, buy the entire gift shop and above all, get out of this stupid cafe.’
The more she gazed out if the window, the more she saw people having fun, carrying bags of blocks, queueing for rides, generally enjoying the place.
‘Daddy’, can I just go and check out the castle models please, I promise I’ll be a good girl and I’ll meet you here in a while ? Oh, and can I have some pocket money please ?’
‘Uhm, yes, OK, be a good girl and run along, we will be here in the cafe, uhm, drinking coffee’, he rattled his empty coffee cup, barely looking in Boo’s direction and handing her a ten pound note.
Boo took her opportunity and raced out of the cafe, her pigtails streaming behind her, barely looking where she was going. Obviously she collided with someone, or rather something. ‘Dragon, I was just thinking about you’. She beamed up at her beloved dragon and in a well practiced move, presented him with a couple of snacks from her backpack, which as usual he inhaled.
‘Come on, lets explore’
‘Dragons like lego’, he smiled and held up three blocks that he had managed to put together.
Let’s see if we can build a model of each other ?
Boo and her dragon spent the next couple of hours following the path, which appeared to be made from yellow lego blocks, they oooh’d and ahh’d at the various exhibits and as always nobody noticed that a nine year old girl with pigtails and a cute bobble hat seemed to be walking around with a ten foot tall dragon. Eventually they came to the dragon ride. The queue was huge. Boo pouted, she really wanted to go on the ride.
‘How about a proper dragon ride, we can follow the tracks’
Boo gazed at her dragon, ‘that is an awesome idea’.
So she climbed on his back and off they went, chasing after the roller coaster cart, swooping mere millimeters form the tracks. Up down, left, up, right, left, they flew at great speed and for once great precision. Following the cart they passed through the waterfall and into the photo zone.
As the flash popped, the dragon smiled and Boo stuck both hands into the air.
‘Lets go and get the photo’ grinned Boo.
The dragon dropped her neatly at the exit of the ride, right by the photo booth and she waited while the photos came up. Sure enough the photo of her riding her dragon came up and she immediately bought a copy. She put it carefully in her backpack and gave her dragon a couple more snacks.
A short while later Boo and her dragon checked up on her daddy and his girlfriend, they were still in the cafe, still kissing.
Taking this as an opportunity to have some fun, Boo and her dragon ran a little wild. Over the next couple of hours, Boo had to rescue her dragon when….
- He got four hundred and sixteen pieces of lego stuck between his teeth after trying to eat a lego sheep.
- He got a frustrated looking for curved pieces and started melting them with tiny fireballs and almost set fire to an entire bucket of blocks
- A little boy trod on his tail during a crucial piece of construction and he inadvertently incinerated his model and had to start again
Boo and her dragon had an absolutely fantastic time.
Eventually Boo realised that she really should go and find her daddy as she has been gone for hours. So she kissed her dragon on the snout and told him that Daddy was dropping her off at Mommies house and she would see him later tonight.
Boo found her daddy in the cafe, the little table now had numerous empty coffee cups on it along with many wrappers from chocolate bars and evidence of cupcakes too.
‘Oh, hello Boo, shall we go and check out the park?’
‘Daddy, the park closes soon, we’ve just got time to go to the gift shop, then we can go home’
Boo eyed daddies new girlfriend with a level of disdain that she normally reserved for James, at least since the ice-skating party debacle.
Boo half dragged her daddy, who in turn half dragged his girlfriend out of the cafe and into the gift shop.
Boo selected a ‘Big Ben’ model kit and also a winter scene that she thought that her Mommy would like, she also got a tee-shirt and a very cool lego keyring.
As they walked back to the car, Boo’s daddy suggested that they should have a nice dinner on the way back. Boo looked up, ‘oh can we get Thai food, please, Mommy and I had Thai last week, it was delicious, the Mee Krob was fantastic and the….’
‘That sounds lovely and all, but we are going to Burger King, I fancy something a little simpler and flame broiled.’
Boo tutted this time, then she rolled her eyes, then she sighed, heavily. She wondered why her daddy was so obsessed with Burger King and why he simply refused to go to the wonderful places that Mommy took her to.
On reaching the car, Boo’s daddy opened the door for his girlfriend, as normal, then started to walk around the car to get in himself when he noticed the missing door. ‘What the…..’ He looked at the hole, looked at the twisted metal where the hinges had been ripped off and looked at the gouges in the metal where the dragon had inserted his claws in order to pull the door off.
He then looked under the car, presumably to see if the door was there having fallen off. There was, of course, no sign of it.
‘Hmmm Boo you are going to have to sit behind me and, uhm, do you mind sitting in the middle darling, to keep everyone safe?’. The last half of the sentence he directed to his girlfriend. Then re-opened her door to let her out of the passenger seat.
Once everyone was strapped in with windows opened to prevent too much buffeting Daddy found a blanket and passed to the back seat passengers to keep them warm, they set off.
Slowly. Really slowly.
It was terribly cold in the car, the heater was on full, but all of the warm air simply exited through the hole where the door should have been. Boo’s daddy was in an absolutely terrible mood too, he had only just got the car back after the melted tyres incident and now he had to deal with the garage again getting the door replaced.
Eventually they arrived at Billy Burgers and the three weary travelers walked inside. ‘Three double Billy-Burgers, no cheese, no pickle, two large fries, two diet cokes and an erm, happy kiddy thingy whatsit’.
They ate their meal in silence, Boo longed for something actually tasty though.
’The box probably tastes better than the food’ she thought to herself.
A couple of hours and a very hot bath later, she was sitting on the sofa cuddling up to her mommy. ‘…and this is the photo of me on the dragon ride’, she showed mommy the photo. ‘That ride looks really realistic, its almost like you were riding a real dragon’.
Boo smiled to her self.
‘No mommy, I’m sure that riding a real dragon would be far more exciting’.